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Turkey fun facts!

Turkey fun facts!

Turkeys are not just the center of the meal on Thanksgiving. They actually are very interesting animals with a long history in the United States. Here are some interesting facts about turkeys that you can share on Thanksgiving! Both the…

Cats that Spray

Cats that Spray

Just like some male dogs have the bad habit of lifting their leg to mark things, some cats spray items or objects to mark as their own. Learn how to help get rid of this bad behavior. Since we have…

Preparing Pets for Fall

Preparing Pets for Fall

Goodbye, Summer. Hello, Fall! With August over already, it’s time to start preparing ourselves and our dogs for the autumn months! It is difficult to believe that summer is over! While it feels like we just broke out the flip flops and…

Summer Safety Pet Tips

Summer Safety Pet Tips

Fun in the Sun Tips for your Pets! Imagine how you would feel outside on a hot, summer day wearing a fut coat. That’s how most pets feel. It’s important to allow our furry friends fun in the sun, but…

How to Find a Lost Pet

How to Find a Lost Pet

Photo by Lord Jim / CC-BY When your pet runs away, it’s hard not to panic. Where do you look? Who do you call? Panic no more – we have some advice for you to follow so you can recover your…

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